CANOPEN MAGIC RELEASE NOTES (C) EMBEDDED SYSTEMS ACADEMY, INC. 2002 - 2024 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED This document describes the changes between versions of CANopen Magic and any known issues. For the latest news on CANopen Magic visit the Embedded Systems Academy web site at: Version 15.70 ------------- - Added missing parameter to progress callback function in example scripts. - Updated simulation DLLs. - Added XOD CANopenFD simulation DLLs. - Attempt to fix null reference exception error that cannot be reproduced. - Improved sanity checking in Configurate Simulation Node window when using a CAX file. - Attempt to fix crash related to trace form. - Fixed issue with CANopen FD sim DLLs where PI updates through USDO writes were not signaled to the sim node handler. - Fixed bug that limited PDO length to 31 bytes when simulating and EDS. - Fixed bug that stopped simulation node process image favorite entry values from updating. - Fixed bug that stopped UNSIGNED64 data values from being correctly show in the process data column in the trace window. - COMP/COMU: Example Python scripts made compatible with Python 3.x. - Added additional trace filter script examples. - Improvements to display of process data in trace window for entries longer than 64 bytes. - Eliminated process data length to mapping object length mismatch error if the process data does not have a known size. - Fixed bug that caused newlines to be included in PDO names when loading a project. - Now includes xdd files in COMU installer. - Fixed bug where invalid DLL path in configure sim node dialog caused a crash when browse button clicked. - When configuring a simulation node group dialog window now shows "base serial number" to make it clear it is the starting point for the serial numbers used for the group. - Fixed bug that caused crash after simulating multiple LSS nodes at the same time. Version 15.50 ------------- - Updated example simulation nodes with bug fixes. - Fixed bug that disabled simulation node debug logging when loading a project with running simulation nodes, for those nodes. - Improvements to performance and stability of simulation system. - Fixed bug related to retaining and restoring non-volatile memory contents of simulation nodes. - Significantly better performance writing NCFs and DCFs to nodes. - Added missing parameter to callback function in example script. - Fixed crash when configuring a simulation node using a CAX file for EDS and the node name is not present in the CAX. - Added details tab to simulation node/group windows showing features of the DLL, protocol used and any warnings. - Now checks simulation DLLs for compatibility with the current network. - FD networks now have an indicator icon. - When opening the Connect window the first item in the tree is automatically expanded, saving the user a mouse click. - Fixed crash when simulation node has a process image entry with more than eight bytes of data. - Sim test script example improved by adding code to safely start sim nodes, waiting for their bootup before continuing. This also catches issues with the CAN bus being non-functional. - Added example script to write to simulation node process image. - Simulation node Value visual control can now display strings and domains (up to eight bytes). - Added a user-friendly message for the situation where the EDS File Information -> Creation Date was in an invalid format. - Fixed bug that caused simulation node process image to sometimes not be shown on some PCs. - Allows quote marks in the simulation DLL path and name field when configuring a node. - If the simulation DLL path and name field has an invalid path then the background of the text box turns red. - Fixed bug that stopped Save DCF and Save NCF from working when node EDS was defined using a CANopen Architect file. - Fixed bug that caused data corruption when performing DCF/NCF writes. - Fixed bug that caused a simulation node to repeately reset when it switch object dictionaries. - Fixed bug that stopped simulation node process image from being shown after OD switched. - Text field when editing a Value process data control is now read only and shows some sample text. - Increased width of preferences window. - Changed "CANopenFD" to "CANopen FD". - Fixed bug that stopped simulation node visual output controls from being updated after the object dictionary had been switched. - Added favourites option to simulation node process image table. - Disabled PDO changed warnings because they are not useful to the user and repeatedly occur during normal use of the application. Version 15.00 ------------- - Added EDS export from Node OD window. - Added option to use network description EDS as a template for exporting EDS from node OD window. - When opening the Select OD entry dialog window if the current entry is custom then the custom option will be automatically selected. - The Selected OD entry dialog window now remembers the last custom chosen used even if a pre-defined entry has been chosen since the custom entry was chosen. - Script tabs now show [Running] and [Stopped]. - Fixed bug that caused output of a script to go to the consoles of all currently running scripts. - Added button to nodes table in network description window to allow editing of EDS/CAX. - When auto generating process data entries from an EDS any errors will now open a window with a list of errors. - Now able to transmit asynchronous PDOs by moving toggling switches, dragging sliders, etc. - Trace window now shows process data in SDOs, if defined in the network description. - When entering values into the node OD window, pressing Enter will go to the next cell in the row rather than start editing the row below. - Fixed buffer overflow bug in node OD window when reading unsized entries larger than eight bytes. - Increased maximum unsized entry display size in node OD window from eight bytes to 64 bytes. - Fixed bug that caused crash if Cancel clicked in Add PDO window. - When choosing a simulation DLL now looks for a matching XDD file before looking for a matching EDS file. - Fixed bug that caused XDD files to report a partial identity object. - Limited display of process data errors when PDOs have not changed. - Converted "slave" to "device" in multiple places. - When closing a simulation node window the node is now deleted from the network description. - Tweaked tooltips for LSS fields in preferences form. - Fixed bug in interpretation of LSS response with command 0x5E when using CANopen (non-FD). - Suppress unwanted error if trace window cannot be scrolled to the top of the table when stopped - Added support for USDOs for node configuration. - Updated to current Kvaser DBC library. - Fixed bug that stopped all 16Kb of NVOL memory from being restored for simulation nodes. - Updated simulation node DLLs to current versions. Version 14.51 ------------- - Updated seat licensing system to current version. Version 14.50 ------------- - Updated seat licensing system to current version. - Updated XOD simulation DLLs. - Added option to simulation node to set the node ID to an LSS consumer when stopped. - Fixed bug that caused internal process image entries to appear in the UI of a simulated node's process image. - Added support for carriage returns in script output. - Added ReadEx and ReadkeyEx functions for scripting to suppress display of user input. - Added support for \b in python script output handling. - Fixed bug that caused infinite loop if loading EDS with 255 compact subentries. - Limited number of compact subentries to 254 - Added LSS FD settings to preferences. Version 14.30 ------------- - Added dialog window explaining how to move the application to a new PC. Accessable from the help menu, the about dialog and the start page. - Stop user from attempting to overwrite the current EDS/DCF when saving a DCF. - COM settings for FD/BRS no longer override what a simulation DLL is transmitting. - Added trace message Interpretation for CiA1305. - Added UI for LSS FD CiA1305. - Fixed mistake with python documentation for GetPDOProcessData. - Minor improvement to section 6.2 of the manual. - No longer send error frames to sim nodes. - Fixed bug that stopped XOD-based EDS node simulation from transmitting TPDOs of the correct length if a mapped entry had a subindex higher than the number of mappings in the TPDO. - Omits EDS entries marked with no code generation from process image when simulating EDSs. Version 14.20 ------------- - Fixed mouse location information being shown when pointer outside of chart. - Fixed crosshairs and mouse location information disappearing after zooming chart. - Fixed bug that could cause crash in charting interface - Fixed typo in tooltip in Edit Simulated Node Configuration window. - When selecting an OD entry for a Network Description Process Data definition the data type is now automatically updated to match. - Fixed bug in Network Description Process Data window that stopped multiple entries from being deleted at the same time. - Added support in scripting for basic LSS usage. - Improved seat release process in uninstallers. - Fixed typo in installers - old .NET framework version number shown to user. - Stops PDO scan if node doesn't exist. - Fix crash in bus load calculation when switching bitrates during LSS. Version 14.10 ------------- - Improvements to process data selection and display in charting interface to help diffrentate between process data with different sources but the same name. Version 14.00 ------------- - Added completely new charting interface. - Added 64-bit version. - Added CAN database import (Professional and Ultimate). - Added support for process data in SDOs. - Added support for CANcrypt V2. - Now shows sim node configuration window (with node ID selection) when creating a new sim node. - Changed default main window size. - Updated partial identity tooltip in network description window. - Now requires .NET Framework 4.7.2 or higher. - Added missing Kvaser DLLs to installers. - CAN message groups are now stored as part of the network description rather than on the CAN Messages window. This means that closing the CAN messages window now retains the groups. - Added EDSs for simulation nodes. - File player now prompts for files to write when needed. - Frees memory when new project created instead of waiting for Windows to do it when it feels like. - Improved performance loading a project with a large amount of network process data definitions from a previous CANdb import. - Process data window now shows un-inverted data from inverted SRDOs, to match trace window. - Added column to process data table in network description to indicate if data is inverted or not. - When auto-generating process data from EDSs, if the data is in an inverted SRDO the process data is automatically marked as inverted. - Improvements to python documentation. - Updated example simulated node script. - Added OnMessagePreInterpret to trace interpreting scripts. - Added example script for updating process data entries. - Added function to get a list of process data definitions in scripts. - Added standards document back into Ultimate installer. - Fixed UpdateProcessData documentation description for scripting. - Added more function prototypes to NetworkDescription for python scripting. - Now saves running state of scripts and restores the state when project is opened. - Process data definitions in the network description can now be sorted by clicking on the column headers. - Process data window can now be closed and reopened without a loss of settings. - Now stores process data window locked/unlocked state. - Fixed tooltip for add button under Process Data tab in Network Description. - Adding a new process data item in Network Description now scrolls to the bottom of the table. - Fixed bug that stopped names for process data entries in the Network Description from being entered. - Added UI option for choosing CANcrypt version. Saved in project files. - Fixed bug in process data interpretation where the most significant byte could be excluded. - Added VarUnsigned and VarInteger types for use in process data definitions and importing CAN database files. - Trace window names are now unique. - Added option to rename trace windows. - Nicer error message when EDS is not found in CAX file. - Fixed problem with trace window unable to read an interpreter script after modification in an external application. - Increased size of process data tooltip for trace table/form. - Improvement to display of data from entries with unknown size in node OD window. - Changed behavior that caused application to close if user tries to open a recently used project from the menu and the project is not found. Now application doesn't close. - Choosing a simulation DLL now automatically selects the matching EDS if found. - Fixed issue with custom SDO channels not being used for SDO transfers. - Updated simulation DLLs to latest versions from MicroCANopen Plus stack. - Added option to pdo configuration window to scan using EDS. - Added option to delete multiple selected process data entries at once. - Added button to edit simulation node window to generate a node name from the EDS name. - Added a default simulation node name. - Fixed possible bug with cloning documents not keeping internal list up to date. - Fixed bug that caused error when creating or opening scripts. Version 13.12 ------------- - Fixed bug with reading entries with negative default values in Node Object Dictionary window. - Fixed bug that caused maximum bus load to go to 100% whenever the first message was received. Version 13.11 ------------- - Fixed bug that stopped node object dictionary window from being able to read string-based entries such as [1008], [1009] and [100A]. - Fixed bug that stopped process data from being correctly interpreted as defined in the network description window. Version 13.10 ------------- - Fixed bug that caused incorrect alignment of process data. - RTR PDOs no longer used to update process data. - When creating a sim node automatically adds a node to the network definition with the default EDS if it doesn't already exist. - Added default EDS when creating simulation groups. - Added support for CAN-FD messages in PEAK ASCII log files. - Improvements to filters in file open and save dialogs. - Added option to file player to skip to next message. - Added option to file player to increase playback speed. - Cleaned up validation for select OD entry dialog. - Added support for USBCAN log files. Version 13.00 ------------- - Improved support for LSS nodes when diagramming. - Uopdated to .NET framework 4.5. - Improvements to network graphing. - Fixed strange behavior and improved how navigation works between data byte fields in the edit CAN message window. - Added command line options to open a script, run a script and close the application when the script has finished executing. - Added support for App.SetExitCode() to scripting. - Updated manual. - Added simulation support to scripting. - Added missing DLLs to installers. - sys.exit() no longer produces an exception. - Made print SimulatedNode more user-friendly. - Added example script for simulation to installer. - Added descriptions for pop up help when editing scripts. - Updated to IronPython 2.7.11. - Added support for one-shot mode in the preferences. - Added support for USDO max payload size. - Fixed bug that caused message 0x180 to always be interpreted as an SRDO when CiA447 mode is enabled. - Attempt to work around bug inside .NET or CLR when turning LEDs on or off. - Fixed bug that stopped bit-aligned process image data from being used. This is required for CiA447. - Added entry [1019] to default object dictionary. - Added emergency 0x8240. - When defining a message from the trace window now copies the message type and details into the message name. - Double-clicking on a message in the CAN messages window now opens the edit dialog for the message. - Fixed bugs that stop LSS errors from being reported. - Simulation nodes can now save and restore non-voltile memory contents between restarts of the application. - Stopped crash in Node Object Dictionary window if value read from node is outside of range of data type in EDS. - Changed references to LSS slave/master to LSS consumer/producer. - Changed references to NMT master or flying master to NMT producer or flying producer. - Changed 'baudrate' to 'bitrate' in UI and manual. - Fixed memory leak in trace form when using trace window linking. - Added button to simulation window to clear contents of nvol memory. - Fixed crash when closing application while Node OD window is currently reading entries. - Simulation -> Start All Nodes now also starts simulation groups. - Fixed bug that caused simulation group to use wrong node IDs when the group was automatically started by opening a project. - Installer stores location of application documents in registry. Application now uses this location instead of trying to automatically determine it. - Added preferences option to generate debugging log files from simulation system. - Fixed bug that stopped simulation node process image table showing the current value for an entry if that entry was written by COMU and subsequently overwritten by the stack. - Renamed checkbox in edit simulation node dialog. - Fixed mistake with tooltip in preferences dialog. - Now shows full path to simulation DLL in tool tip when hovering over the configuration field in the simulation node window. Version 12.00 ------------- - Fixed crash when opening some projects. - Fixed crash when copying and pasting lots of messages in the CAN messages window. - Continuous recording now uses the timestamp mode selected in the trace window at the time the continuous recording is started. - Node OD window now sends entry data type if using USDOs. - Node OD window now supports REAL32 and REAL64 entries. - Fixed internal .NET framework error when adding a new node to the network description and the network description window is collapsed by SandDock. - Node OD window now shows additional status if the entry value does not match the EDS/DCF default/parameter value or if the size or type (USDO) of entry does not match. - Added option to node OD window to select a new USDO session ID. - Node OD window can now find and show hidden entries. - Added smart subentry option to node OD scanning. - Node OD window now allows general error as a abort for an entry that does not exist to match the conformance test. - Added report generation to node OD window. - Added preferences for documentation export - Ultimate version only. - Node OD window no longer shows an error if attempting to read a WO entry. - Network description node EDS - added XDD/XDC to all supported files filter in open dialog. - Changed separator used between an EDS name and configuration name when using CAX files from - to % - Added links to help menu for YouTube videos. - Added favorites to node OD window. - Added SRDO support (process data, trace interpretation, transmitting). - Improved input entry for node OD window - when editing only shows one value and remembers the base of the last value entered. - Added preferences option to auto generate the network process data when adding or modifying EDSs. - Trace window now has a tooltip for the Process Data cells that shows the contents in a multi-line format. If the lines are too long the text is truncated. - If offline seat manager fails to store the seat/activation code in the registry then it will now generate an error. - No longer outputs information about length in node OD window if an assumed size is used for an entry. - Simulation subsystem improvements. - CODB parser now allows hexadecimal values to be used for high and low limits. - Fixed bug with bus load calculation when using FD and BRS. - Improved bus load calculation to take into account stuff bits instead of estimating. - Rewritten bus load calculation to handle buffering delays caused by high bus load at high CAN-FD bitrates. - Fixed bug that caused crash when using trace analysis form. - Increased the size of the trace buffer to 120,000 messages. - Added button to help about windows that copies application, license and OS information to the clipboard. Version 11.50 ------------- - Added support for site licensing without needing an Internet connection. - Fixed bug related to Microsoft Office DLL. - Tweaked text in preferences dialog. - Fixed bug in Node OD window where right-clicking twice on a column header would case an error. - Now uses https for start pages. - Now shows names in PDO window if the name is defined in the list of PDOs, rather than just in the list of CAN messages. - Improved error message when executing CDCF and entry does not specify a data type. - Fixed button positioning in trace filter window. - Added support for creating LEDs in simulated node visual tab connected to CANopen stack run and error LEDs. - Added run and error LEDs to simulation node documents. Version 11.10 ------------- - Fixed bug that stopped data from being displayed in trace window at end of CANopen FD unicast segmented transfer. - Stopped shift and alt from causing focus to advance to next byte box when editing data in CAN messages dialog. - Fixed layout of edit simulated node dialog window. - Moved obtaining simulation DLL NVOL memory details to as late as possible so stack can initialize data structures needed to implement NVOL memory. Required for multi-instance version of MicroCANopen Plus. - Fixed bug that stopped file player from loading a CDCF CSV file without a name for the file specified in a row in the file. - Better handling of errors in .NET framework related to the busy icon on the start page. Version 11.00 ------------- - Improved performance when processing large log files. - Added support for boolean values in Node Object Dictionary window. - Node Object Dictionary window now assumes eight bytes of data for entries with unknown size. - Fixed bug that stopped mapping entries being set for PDOs that had no mappings when first scanned. - Now able to request read of WO entries in node OD window. - Moved error messages to their own column in node OD window. - Improved XDD support and added XDC support. - PDO window now allows writing to mapping entries even if the OD subentry was reported as not existing in the node when scanned. - Fixed bug that stopped Professional and Ultimate from loading projects saved with Standard and Lite. Version 10.85 ------------- - Updated internal components. - Added experimental XDD support. Version 10.80 ------------- - Now possible to link trace windows within the same application instance. - Fixed bug that caused trace form window title and tab text to become out of sync when loading an application with an already running trace recording. - Fixed typo in description of 0xF002 emergency. - Added support for Vector binary log files (*.BLF). - Fixed bug that caused CAN messages added to CAN message window by right-clicking in trace window to not have a functioning enable checkbox. Version 10.70 ------------- - Added support for trace linking to Ultimate version. - Fixed error when reading current node ID selection. - Added error messages when trying to display the PDO window when any PDO COB-ID and/or transmission type subentries are missing. - Using a time trigger in read or write windows will no longer pop up an error if the read/write fails. - When defining a new CAN message from a message in the trace window the definition goes into the currently selected message group rather than always going into the default. - In trace window arrow keys can now be used to move the selected row up/down. - Fixed bug that caused old value to be re-written when choosing an historical value from the drop down list and the current cell was the last one being edited, in the Object Dictionary window. Version 10.55 ------------- - USDO session ID is now incremented on every request. - Fixed bug that caused incorrect interpretation of CiA-1301 emergency messages - error code and error register in wrong places. - Updates evaluation limitations document. Version 10.50 ------------- - Fixed bug that stopped spaces from being used in node names when node is using an EDS from a CAX file. - Fixed bug that caused error if simulation node was not given a name but was using a CAX file. - Fixed bug that caused crash when releasing seat using file and response file was incorrect. - Added interpretation and trace filtering for flying master messages. - Added script that simulates flying master operation. - In CAN messages window added checkbox to enable/disable trigger without having to edit it. - Added CAN message trigger based on data byte values. - Added better node name tooltip to edit simulation node dialog. - Improvements to SDO response interpretations in trace window. - More tolerance for loading faulty EDSs. - When selecting an OD entry the previously selected entry is automatically selected. - Fixed bug that stopped reading of strings of size that is different to the current OD. Version 10.10 ------------- - Fixed bug that caused USDO download abort to be ignored. - Fixed bug that stopped bulk transfer from being used for USDO download when less than 0x38 bytes being written. - Minor user interface improvements. - Added support for CANopen-Diag CiA447 tester. - Improved CiA454 PDO interpretation. - Fixed interpretation mistake with 0x690 sleep/wakeup messages - was indicating these came from an LSS slave. Version 10.00 ------------- - Added support for CiA-454 EnergyBus. - Improvements to preferences dialog for USDO settings. - Now displays USDO channel in status bar when using USDOs. - Updated included simulation DLLs to MCOP 6.50 versions. - Can now load log files exported from CANopen Logxaminer. - Added J1939 trace interpretation script. - Added standard and expert read and write node user interfaces. - Refinements to the operation of the read and write node user interfaces. - Can now simulate multiple nodes based on an EDS using the same EDS in the same CANopen Architect file. Version 9.70 ------------ - Now installs scripting subsystem into GAC. - Fixed bug with incorrect DLL reference in scripting subsystem. - Updated to current licensing system. - Fixed bug that caused crash on save when using a display value in the process data window. - When added a new node to the network description window the next highest free node ID is used. - Uninstallers now tell user if seat release failed, give option to exit uninstall and if not then generates offline release file and gives user instructions. - Fixed the problem with some bytes of USDOs from sim nodes being set to zero. - Added HB timeout detection and nicer formatting to heartbeat analysis script. - Installers now allow spaces before, inside and after activation codes. Version 9.60 ------------ - Nicer error message when user tries to import an EDS as a network description file. - Can now handle CDCF value up to 32 bytes in length. - No longer becomes DPI aware when a control is added in the process data window. - Fixed bug when error during auto-adding process data to the network description window. - Added support for busmaster log files. - Fixed bug with strict SDO checking of unused bytes in SDO upload responses. - Fixed bug that caused automatic re-attempt of SDO block upload if upload response contained a size that was too large to be received. - Fixed bug that caused the minimum time between SDO block download segments to be 7ms regardless of what the user entered into the preferences. - Increased maximum data read size from 600Kb to 6Mb. Version 9.50 ------------ - Updated to Python 2.7.7. - Changed the way scripting support is installed to avoid clashes with other applications. - Added error message when trying to export trace recording that is already open in another application. - Updated licensing system. - Minor bug fixes. Version 9.40 ------------ - Unknown data type in Network Description -> Process Data can now be set to any bit size from 1 - 32. - Added support for help in debugging simulation DLLs. - Improvements to installer. - Added trace filter example scripts to CANopen Magic Professional installer. - Minor usability improvements to PEAK support. Version 9.30 ------------ - Added button to network description window to reload all EDSs. - Updated XOD simulation DLLs to latest versions. - Added support for offline licensing. Version 9.23 ------------ - Improvements to software management. Version 9.20 ------------ - Updated example trace filter script. - Added support for Vector CANalyser 7.5+ log files. Version 9.10 ------------ - Fixed bug with ESA log file playback - in some cases the timestamps read in would be incorrect. - Script console now uses fixed-width font. - Now possible to clear the script console from a script by issuing the ANSI escape code ESC+[2J. Version 9.07 ------------ - Fixed bug that stopped projects from being loaded when simulation node process data is defined that uses upper bytes of PDOs. Version 9.06 ------------ - Fixed bug with changing networks when using LSS. Version 9.05 ------------ - Fixed bug with receiving RTR frames when using PEAK interfaces. - Updated XOD simulation DLLs to latest versions. - Better handling for failed project loading. - Now prompts user to save scripts when saving a project if scripts have never been saved. Version 9.04 ------------ - Now supports Kvaser CAN King log files in hexadecimal format. Version 9.03 ------------ - Fixed bug that stopped process data from CAN messages being interpreted correctly when a start bit of eight or greater was used. Version 9.02 ------------ - Fixed bug that stopped USDO responses from being recognized. Version 9.01 ------------ - Fixed bug that stopped ESA log files from being loaded into file player if they contained CANopen-FD messages with more than eight bytes of data. - Enabled CANopen-FD support for Standard and Professional versions. Version 9.00 ------------ - Added support for CiA1301 CANopenFD - Improvements to error reporting when loading in an EDS - Added support for loading in corrupted project files Version 8.70 ------------ - Improvements to EDS/DCF parsing to handle unexpected values for DOMAIN and OCTETSTRING - If can't find default simulation DLL in C:\Users\Public then switches to C:\Users\ - Stops user from entering scale settings that would create too many scale ticks on meters and gauges - Fixed bug that stopped projects from loading if process data defined without a name and the project had been saved only once before - Removed spaces from empty process data names when loading projects Version 8.61 ------------ - Fixed bug that caused crash when creating a new project with an already opened project that was using certain windows. Version 8.60 ------------ - Added option to LSS Fastscan to allow user to choose whether configuration is stores in nodes or not. - Improvements to trace window - added flags and message length columns. - Added flags column to CAN messages window to match trace window. - Added popup to trace window to show all bytes in raw column. - Improvements to enter byte values in CAN messages window. - Added support for playing of IXXAT MiniMon V3 log files. - Added support for LSS Fastscan and CiA447 wakeup to playing of concise DCF files. - Bug fixes to playing of ESA log files. - Updated list of known CiA node vendors. - Evaluation version now explains to users that they can't use a real CAN bus, and what to do next. Version 8.56 ------------ - Fixed bug that stopped the correct network from being found when opening a project that has an existing connection and multiple identical PEAK CAN interfaces are connected. Version 8.55 ------------ - Added support for CANcrypt message interpretation. Version 8.50 ------------ - Node OD window no longer automatically reads when opened. - Node OD window now retains history of user inputs, saved in project files. - Node OD window now allows writing to entries even if they haven't been read yet. - Clicking on the toolbar cancel button while scanning a node in the node OD window now stops the entire scan. - When opening a tabbed window it now goes to the end of the current group of tabs. - Read/write and node setup tabbed windows can now be cloned. - Fixed mistakes to default object dictionary. - Fixed bug that caused the wrong messages to be deleted in the CAN messages window. - Improvement to reading in ESA log files into the file player. - UI improvements to starting simulation nodes. - Fixed bug in object dictionary entry selection window that caused incorrect error message to be shown. - Node setup window now saves user inputs to project files. Version 8.42 ------------ - Fixed bug that forced block reads (when enabled) for entries above [2000] even if the entry is known to be one to four bytes in size. Version 8.41 ------------ Fixed bug that caused UI confusion if simulation node started but DLL was not found. Default simulation DLL is first looked for in "all users" documents folder followed by current user's My Documents. Version 8.40 ------------ - Custom SDO channels now override all built-in SDO channel definitions. - Fixed inconsistency where BSDOs were understood for block transfer interpretation but not understood for regular SDO interpretation, unless defined as custom SDO channels. BSDO channels must always be defined as custom SDO channels for any SDO interpretation. Version 8.35 ------------ - Can now load in specific configurations of EDS from a CANopen Architect file. Version 8.32 ------------ - Fixed bug with display of block transfers in trace windows for pre-defined connection set SDOs. - Improved detection of restart of partially completed block transfers in trace window. Version 8.31 ------------ - Added option to View menu to dock currently floating windows. Version 8.30 ------------ - Fixed bug that stopped some CAN messages from being edited. - Fixed timestamp bug when loading in log files. - Improvements to PEAK binary log file support. - Trace exports now define the timestamp mode used. - Improvements to interpretation of block transfers in trace window. - Added support for playing all messages in a log file that uses multiple networks. - Added ability to import and export network descriptions, allowing sharing with other applications such as CANopen Logxaminer. - De-cluttered trace window message interpretation. - Added support for enumerations in process data definitions. - Added "all users" option to installer. - Fixed bug that stopped projects with scripts from opening correctly. - Fixed bug that stopped Start page from being restored when loading projects. - Now shows a message if attempt is made to simulate a node with a binary OD but the sim DLL doesn't support it. - Updated all example simulation DLLs. - Fixed bug that stopped pasting from working in CAN messages window. Version 8.20 ------------ - Added support for SDO mesh. - Continuous recording now automatically rolls over when file size reaches Excel limits. - Can now read PDO configurations while SDO block transfers enabled. - Increased maximum trigger time from 30 seconds to two minutes. - Improved support for displaying block transfers in the trace window. - Fixed bug that stopped trace analysis window from opening. - File Player now supports linux-can candump log files. - Fixed bug that caused continuous recording file to be deleted when application closed in certain situations. Version 8.11 ------------ - Fixed bug that stopped correct ESA log file playback on PCs with language set to German. Version 8.10 ------------ - Added support for loading CANopen Architect project files. - Added missing DLLs to installers. - Added CiA422 CleANopen example project. Version 8.05 ------------ - Updated to VSCOM driver 1.7.0. - Fixed bug with simulation system. Version 8.00 ------------ - New simulation system implementation. Version 7.80 ------------ - Added simulation groups. - Improved performance of node simulation. - Added support for playing of PEAK V1.3 log files. - Bug fixes for playing of ESA log files. Version 7.72 ------------ - Fixed bug that caused crash when application closed in specific circumstances. Version 7.71 ------------ - Fixed bug that stopped more that 13 simulation nodes from being created. Version 7.70 ------------ - Now remembers datatype chosen in reading and writing windows. - Failures to store configurations in Network Overview window now give an error message. - File Player can now play Concise DCFs and CSV-based Concise DCFs. - Bug fixes. - User interface improvements. Version 7.60 ------------ - Can import and export CAN message definitions. - Added ability to delete all CAN message definitions and groups with single click. - Log player renamed to file player. - File player can now play PEAK and Vector log files and simple Concise DCFs. - Added trace interpreting scripting support. Python can now be used to modify the contents of the trace window. - Fixed bug when reopening a project that had the console window open. Version 7.50 ------------ - Bug fix to expected sizes of entries when reading from the node Object Dictionary window. - Improvement to error messages and error handling. - Fixed bug that caused crash while using LSS. - Improved MPDO support. - Fixed bug that caused disconnect when choosing networks from connect button drop down list. - Improvements to CiA447 message interpretation. - Improved CiA447 support for trace filtering. - Bug fixes to message interpretation for messages with IDs less than 0x080. Version 7.40 ------------ - Added support for multiplexed PDOs in network configuration and trace windows. Version 7.30 ------------ - Added support for multiplexed PDOs in PDO configuration window. - Added simulation node signal generators. - Fixed bug that caused error when clicking on column headers in PDO configuration window. Version 7.29 ------------ - Fixed bug that stopped RTR messages from always being received by simulation nodes. Version 7.28 ------------ - Fixed bug that caused no value or incorrect value to be applied to a simulation node process image from a visual control when NMT status changed. Version 7.27 ------------ - Automatically reloads modified EDSs when starting simulation nodes that use a binary OD. - Fixed bug that caused incorrect process data to be shown when simulating nodes that use a binary OD. - Fixed bug that caused busy cursor to be shown when opening a project that automatically started a simulated node that uses a binary OD, but the DLL could not be found. Version 7.26 ------------ - Updated dynamic OD and dynamic PDO example simulation nodes. - Added section 6.4 to manual regarding dyanamic object dictionary simulation. Version 7.25 ------------ - When a simulation node is reset and using a binary OD, the binary OD is reapplied to the node after the reset. - Added input control to visual controls for simulation nodes. Version 7.20 ------------ - Added support for dynamic object dictionaries in simulation nodes. - Added MicroCANopenPlusDynObjDictLSS.dll as a demonstration of simulated dynamic object dictionaries. Version 7.09 ------------ - Fixed bugs that stopped correct display of Integer process data values. Version 7.08 ------------ - PDO window continues reading mappings even if abort is received regardless of error/abort setting. - Fixed bug that stopped correct display of Integer24 process data values. Version 7.07 ------------ - Fixed bug in PDO configuration window that stopped all mapping entries from being written. - Fixed bug in PDO mapping editor that caused mapping entries to be shuffled when last mapping entry was edited. Version 7.06 ------------ - Better handling when autodetecting a LSS slave that reports a node id higher than 0x7F. Version 7.05 ------------ - Fixed bug which stopped connect window from sometimes being shown when toolbar button clicked. - Process data can now have the same message ID and start bit. - Fixed bug that made it difficult to select data types for process data in network description window. - Improvements to trace window display of process data when offsets and scaling is used. Version 7.01 ------------ - Fixed bug with reading in EDS/DCF files. - Fixed bug with Save DCF feature where some subentries were skipped. Version 7.00 ------------ - Added trace analysis to Evaluation and Ultimate verions. - Bug fixes and improvements. Version 6.81 ------------ - Fixed bug with display of signed values in expedited data in trace window. Version 6.80 ------------ - Added support for serial communcations when simulating nodes. - Improvements to PDO configuration window text. - Fixed bugs related to Connect window when disconnecting and reconnecting. - Tweak to 800kbps support when using a PEAK CAN interface. Version 6.72 ------------ - Fixed bug with SDO timeouts behaving incorrectly when reading or writing less than seven bytes of data. Version 6.71 ------------ - Fixed unexpected abort when using PDO configuration window. Version 6.70 ------------ - Improvements to PDO Configuration window - can now ignore some errors when reading/writing - Bug fix to trace window decimal data column. - Improved reading of EDS files. - Updated to latest PEAK driver. - Bug fix to pasting process data into simulation node window. - Minor bug fixes. Version 6.62 ------------ - Fixed bug that stopped the command line version from executing. Version 6.61 ------------ - Fixed bug that stopped Ext checkboxes working in PDO window. - Added latest CiA447 simulation DLLs. Version 6.60 ------------ - Added Node OD window. Version 6.50 ------------ - Added support for comments in EDS files. - Performance improvements. - Installer improvements. - When exiting any executing scripts are now terminated. - Improvements to message numbering and timestamps when continuous recording. - Better detection of invalid SDO messages in trace window. Version 6.42 ------------ - Added documentation for Python scripting. Version 6.41 ------------ - Fixed bug that caused LEDs to be saved as black in color if their color was not manually changed. - PDO configuration window now shows error messages. - Added manual to start menu. - Improvements to editing cells in tables. Version 6.40 ------------ - Added cut/copy/paste/move up/down features for managing process data entries. - Added current CiA447 simulation example. Version 6.32 ------------ - Improvements to display of assigned node IDs when using LSS. - Performance improvements when using simulated nodes with LSS. - Fixed bug that stopped simulation node process data controls from working properly. - Improved CiA447 sleep/wakeup trace recording message display. Version 6.31 ------------ - Can now copy CAN messages from trace window to CAN messages window for manual/triggered transmission - Improved project save default folder/name. - Network graph line widths are now range limited. Version 6.30 ------------ - Can now resize process data controls in two directions at once. - Multiple process data controls can be dragged at once. - Added start/stop/clear buttons to graphs. - Fix bug with dragging process data controls. - Fixed display issues with resizing process data controls. Version 6.25 ------------ - Updated to latest CANopen DLL. - Added support for enabling listen only mode for some PEAK and Kvaser CAN interfaces. Version 6.20 ------------ - Added option to enable strict SDO protocol checking. Version 6.11 ------------ - Fixed bug introduced in version 6.10 that stopped EDS/DCFs from being correctly read in. - Now allows trailing whitespace for EDS/DCF values. Version 6.10 ------------ - Added ability to reorder CAN messages. - Improvements to context menu in CAN messages window. Version 6.00 ------------ - CAN messages window now supports groups of messages with cut, copy and paste between groups. - Various bug fixes. - User interface improvements. - Added check for updates link to Help About window. - Simulation node debug output can now be copied to the clipboard. - Table columns can be selectively hidden. Version 5.96 ------------ - Improvements to display of process data controls when using larger fonts in Windows. - Message 0x6A0 is now interpreted in CiA447 mode. Version 5.95 ------------ - Does not import duplicate process data entries for simulated nodes. - Fixed bug with loading projects defining a large number of CAN messages. Version 5.91 ------------ - Fixed bug with saving of absolute paths on drives different to the project file. - Fixed bug with incorrect display of node name for simulated LSS nodes. Version 5.90 ------------ - Fixed bug that blanked selected row in CAN messages window. - If EDS files are not found when loading a project then a warning is shown but loading continues. - Supports .NET 4.5. Version 5.81 ------------ - Moved default location for simulation nodes into My Documents folder. Version 5.80 ------------ - Faster EDS/DCF loading. - Added latest simulation DLLs. - Added CiA447 simulation example project. - CSV export now contains spreadsheet-compatible timestamps. - Improvement to message sorting in trace window. - Added support for setting a message as a timestamp reference point in the trace window. - Various bug fixes and improvements. Version 5.70 ------------ - Fixed bug that caused some process data entries to not be updated when simulating nodes. - Fixed crash when exporting PDO configuration table as a CSV file. - Added button to clear simulation node debug output. - Added option to apply simulation node process data control inputs to process image when the node resets. Version 5.62 ------------ - Better support for CiA447 in Network Overview window. - Fixed bug with connecting four-state switches to simulated node process image. - PEAK CAN interface channel numbers are now shown, making use with multi-channel interfaces easier. - Driver DLLs are now copied to 32-bit system folder on installation. Version 5.61 ------------ - Added missing assemblies. Version 5.60 ------------ - Added network overview diagram tool. - Fixed bug related to LSS assigned node changes. Version 5.50 ------------ - Added support for general purpose python scripting in Evaluation and Ultimate versions. - Added move button to simulation windows. - Better handling of simulation node definitions when LSS assigned nodes changes. Version 5.40 ------------ - Added support for project version numbers. - Improved layout saving and restoring for tabbed documents. **This version saves project files that are not backwards compatible** Version 5.34 ------------ - Fixed bug related to saving and loading projects that reference other files. - Fixed bug related to passing serial numbers to simulation nodes. - CiA447 improvements. - Simulation improvements. Version 5.33 ------------ - Added Four State data type and matching process data controls for improved CiA447 support. Version 5.32 ------------ - Fixed bug that caused crash when windows closed. - Fixed bug in reading DCFs from nodes that caused the wrong subnumber to be stored. - Improved error reporting when reading DCFs from nodes. - PDO configuration window now supports reading PDOs when there are gaps in the object dictionary between definitions. Version 5.31 ------------ - Added support for extended LSS responses (LSS FastScan). - Added example CiA447 project. - Updated simulation system to support output of debug messages from nodes and full 29-bit message id support. - Updates CiA447 simulation node examples. - Activation information is now installed for all users on a PC. Version 5.21 ------------ - Fixed bug in CAN messages window - correct message is now deleted. Version 5.20 ------------ - When a simulation node is assigned a node ID via LSS the network description for the node follows it to the new node ID. - Nodes without node IDs assigned can now choose "LSS Slave" values instead. - Automatically matches up nodes with the network description when a network scan is performed. - Added ability to automatically determine network process data from EDS/DCFs of defined nodes. Version 5.10 ------------ - Fixed bug that caused crash if transmitting messages and CAN bus is changed or disconnected or the application is closed. - Fixed bug that caused crash if CAN message was received with DLC set to a value greater than eight. - Better support for hexadecimal values in EDS/DCFs. - Fixed bug that caused crash if a node stopped responding when changing settings in the PDO configuration windo - When closing an undocked window the hide option is not longer available to remove a user interface quirk. - Added new timestamp display mode for the trace windows which only shows milliseconds. - Fixed bug with calculation of overall SDO operation times. - Error message windows can no longer be hidden behind the main window. - Fixed bug when choosing a custom object dictionary entry and the index and/or subindex fields are left blank. - User now has the option to cancel exiting the application if the current project is unsaved. - Read Node documents can now be undocked from main window. - Added "Heartbeat Consumer" data type. - Added ability to automatically define process data entries for simulated nodes based on process image and EDS. - Fixed typo in PDO Configuration window. - Fixed bug that caused internal .NET Framework debugging info to be displayed in script console. - Fixed bug that caused python trace filtering scripts to be executed when recording was stopped. Version 5.03 ------------ - Improvements to display of CiA447 PDOs in trace window. - Fixed bug with boolean process data. Version 5.02 ------------ - Fixed bug with reading EDS/DCF files that use hexadecimal values for SupportedObjects fields. - Added EDS for simulation nodes. Version 5.01 ------------ - General improvements. - Fixed bug with dragging in process data window. - Fixed bug with display of process data. - Added missing run-time support files. Version 5.00 ------------ - All new version. Version 4.13 ------------ - Fixed bug in command line version that stopped the activation code from being recognized. Version 4.12 ------------ - Fixed bug that caused incorrect display of values in hex indicator in process data window. Version 4.11 ------------ - No changes. Version 4.10 ------------ - Updated PEAK Pro driver. Version 4.00 ------------ - Fixed bug that stopped the application running on some installations of Windows XP. Version 3.99 ------------ - Supports multiple VSCAN interfaces. - Fixed bugs with VSCAN interface support. Version 3.98 ------------ - Added support for VSCAN interfaces. Version 3.97 ------------ - PDO Configuration window now supports 48 RPDOs and 48 TPDOs. Version 3.96 ------------ - Improved interpretation of CiA 447 PDOs in trace window. Version 3.95 ------------ - Fixed bug with loading large project files. Version 3.94 ------------ - Fixed bug with process window toolbar buttons in Windows 2000. Version 3.93 ------------ - Renamed MicroLSS to LSS FastScan. - Updated installer. - Updated PEAK driver. Version 3.92 ------------ - Fixed bug in trace filter configuration window enabling and disabling controls. - Fixed bug with python script loading sometimes giving a module not found error. - Python trace filter script is now started and stopped when trace recording is started and stopped and when trace window is opened and closed. - Added example python trace filtering script. Version 3.91 ------------ - Improvements to support for external Python scripts. Version 3.90 ------------ - Added support for external Python scripts. - Improved trace message interpretation for DS447 mode. Version 3.83 ------------ - Fixed bug in Log Player with escaped quote marks. Version 3.82 ------------ - No changes. Version 3.81 ------------ - Fixed bug with display of unknown baudrates in main window - Added display of network name in main window. Version 3.80 ------------ - No changes. Version 3.78 ------------ - Fixed bug that stopped some log files from being played. - Log player can now play log files with relative timestamps. Version 3.77 ------------ - Internal restructuring. Version 3.76 ------------ - Opening projects no longer automatically opens windows. Version 3.73 ------------ - Fixed bug with timing of transmitted messages when replaying a log file. - Fixed bug with writing unsigned integers to a node in main window. Version 3.72 ------------ - Fixed icon resolution problem when running in Vista. Version 3.71 ------------ - No changes. Version 3.70 ------------ - Updated user interface. - Reports an error message if a network could not be added. Version 3.59 ------------ - Remembers read and write format selections in window on a per node ID, per OD entry basis. - Added signed and unsigned integer formats for writes. Version 3.58 ------------ - Rebuilt using latest CANopen DLL. Version 3.57 ------------ - No changes. Version 3.56 ------------ - Fixed bug with interpretation of CiA 447 block messages in trace window. - Fixed bug with parsing of DCFs when restoring to a node. - Added support for SDO channel selection. - Added access to preferences and log player from trace window. - Fixed bug that stopped networks from being remembered after reboots. - New installations now have default MicroLSS/LSS FastScan settings. Version 3.55 ------------ - Trace filter window remembers settings and is stored as part of a project file. - Fixed memory leak when restoring a DCF to a node. - Fixed bug parsing DCFs. - Added support for $NODEID in ParameterValue field when restoring a DCF to a node. Version 3.54 ------------ - Fixed bug with buttons disappearing when using large fonts in Windows. - Added CSV export buttons to trace window. - Revamped trace filtering. - Fixed bug with emergency history window opening. Version 3.53 ------------ - Added emergency history window. Version 3.52 ------------ - Fixed bug that would sometimes generate an error when closing the application. Version 3.51 ------------ - Fixed problem with trace window display of SDO block transfer messages. - Fixed bug with SDO block transfer timeouts. - Title bar now shows if CiA 447 mode is being used. - Changed default block segment write delay to 5ms. - Fixed bug that stopped progress bar from functioning during SDO block transfers. - Fixed bug with calculation of timeouts during SDO block downloads. Version 3.49 ------------ - Fixed bug with trace filtering of heartbeats. Version 3.48 ------------ - Improvements to allow multiple copies to run at the same time. Version 3.47 ------------ - Added continuous CAN message logging. - Added log player to replay CAN messages. Version 3.46 ------------ - Improved error message when no CAN interfaces are found. Version 3.45 ------------ - Fixed memory corruption bug when using relative paths. - New CANopen DLL - fixed Unicode problem for registry entries when using PEAK CAN interfaces. - Combined demonstration projects into one folder on Start menu. - Now stores the hardware name and network name in project files for better portability between configurations. - Revised unknown CAN interface and network error messages. Version 3.44 ------------ - Fixed problem with starting a project from the start menu. Version 3.43 ------------ - Fixed requirement for MSVC80.DLL Version 3.42 ------------ - Upgraded to latest PEAK driver. - Installs PEAK DLL in Windows\System32 folder. Version 3.41 ------------ - Fixed and improved MicroLSS protocol. - Fixed bug that caused the wrong timeout to be used for MicroLSS scan. - Fixed access violation when stopping a simulated node. Version 3.40 ------------ - Improved support for car add-on devices (CiA 447). Can now access nodes, scan for nodes and has improved trace display. Version 3.33 ------------ - Added support for car add-on devices (CiA 447) device profile message interpretation in trace window. Version 3.32 ------------ - Removed text from next to arrows in trace filter window. - Changed tooltip in trace filter window. Version 3.31 ------------ - Added indication of message filtering to trace window. - Moved trace filter configuration from Preferences to separate window. - Modified tab operation in preferences window to use multiple lines. - ID fields in trace filter window are directly editable. - Default entry in select ID window is now disabled when using trace filter window. - Usability improvements to Select ID window. - Changed "Ignore" to "Don't Show". - Added arrows to indicate flow of trace filter. - Modified operation of rule enable checkboxes. - Added option to pass a string parameter to the python filter script. Version 3.30 ------------ - Added message filtering. Version 3.28 ------------ - Added support for MicroLSS. Version 3.27 ------------ - Increased size of domains supported from 260k to 600k. - Improved support for multiple monitors. Windows now remember where to open when more than one monitor is used. Version 3.26 ------------ - Increased size of domains supported in command line version from 160k to 260k. Version 3.25 ------------ - Modified project file handling to ensure independence from the current locale settings for floating point numbers. Version 3.24 ------------ - Fixed bug that stopped Node ID drop down list from appearing in the LSS window. Version 3.23 ------------ - Fixed positioning problem with LSS window when using large fonts (120 DPI) setting in Windows. Version 3.22 ------------ - Increased size of trace buffer from 13,000 messages to 26,000 messages. Version 3.21 ------------ - Added option to delay between writes of segments in block transfer mode. - Fixed mistake in trace window interpretation of SDO block transfer messages. - Added option to enable or disable block transfer CRCs - Added support for block transfer CRCs - Fixed display bug in preferences where server settings would be replaced with top-bit-set characters. - Modifed trace window to better handle multiple parallel block transfers. - Added support for multiple PDO configuration windows. Version 3.20 ------------ - Added ability to request all SDO channels from an SDO manager before any SDO transmission. - Added option to transmit a timestamp as the message data - Messages with ID 100H now display a human-readable timestamp in the trace window. - Added window to control CANopen Managers, including advanced options found in PCANopen Protector. - Added options to Network Overview window to store configurations of nodes, optionally writing configuration date and time to a Configuration Manager. - Added node setup window to configure COB-IDs, heartbeat consumer and emergency consumer. - Added block transfer support - Improved trace CSV export Version 3.10 ------------ - Added option to instruct LSS slaves to save configurations. Version 3.09 ------------ - Keypresses in the PDO Configuration window now can trigger message transmission if configured to do so. - Fixed bug that caused padding of data entered into write section of main window to be incorrect for the byte ordering being used. - Fixed bug that caused read only or const entries to be written to the node when restoring a DCF, if the DCF file contained "RO"/"CONST" instead of "ro"/"const". - Fixed bug that caused write only entries to be read from the node when saving a DCF, if the EDS contained "WO" instead of "wo". - Fixed bug that caused gaps in object dictionary subentries to show incorrectly. - Fixed bug that caused gaps in object dictionary subentries to result in some entry values not being included when saving a DCF. - Fixed bug that caused gaps in object dictionary subentries to result in some entry values not being written when restoring a DCF. - Fixed bug that caused 24-bit values to be written incorrectly when restoring a DCF. Version 3.08 ------------ - Fixed bug that stopped the networks being switched at the same time as LSS slaves were configured for a specific baudrate. Version 3.07 ------------ - Fixed more bugs that caused signed integer 24 values to be displayed incorrectly. Version 3.06 ------------ - Fixed bug in command line version that caused it to crash when only QUIET and HARDWARE directives were used. - Modified command line version to allow HARDWARE directive to be used on it's own as a check for possible hardware initialization. - Fixed bug that caused signed integer 24 values to be displayed incorrected in trace window. Version 3.05 ------------ - Hexadecimal value display in process window and simulated nodes can now be set to show either hexadecimal or decimal values. Version 3.04 ------------ - Added file icons for Device Configuration Files and Network Configuration Files. - Added ability to save and load networks. - Improved information while loading DCFs - now shows a progress bar and a warning if there were any problems. Version 3.03 ------------ - No changes. Version 3.02 ------------ - Fixed bug that caused incorrect boundary test when attempting to write a negative integer to an OD entry. Version 3.01 ------------ - Made changes to avoid occasional crashes when closing the application. Version 3.00 ------------ - Fixed bug that caused timestamps to sometimes go to zero. - Simplified dummy entry options in OD entry selection window. - Available dummy entry options in OD entry selection window are now read from the EDS rather than being fixed. - When saving a DCF for a node who has more PDO mapping entries that shown in the EDS, all PDO mapping entries are stored in the DCF. - Dialog windows now open without going off the edge of the screen. - When loading a project file an error message is displayed if the CAN interface or network for the project is invalid or unknown. - Made a couple of changes to reduce the risk of crashes when application closed while transmitting messages and using the process data window. - Fixed bug which caused trace window toolbar buttons to show the wrong settings when the application was started by double clicking on a project, and the project contained trace window settings different to the current settings of the application. - When creating a new project, the process data window now returns to an unlocked state. - Locked and unlocked state of process window is now remembered between starts and restored when opening project files. - Size, position and visible state of the process data window is now remembered between starts and restored when opening project files, when there are no controls in the window. - LED controls can now be resized in the process data window. - Factors and offsets for process data entries are now saved correctly between starts and in project files. - Fixed scale problems for some controls in process data window when using a relatively small value range. - Added missing tooltips for process data window toolbar buttons. - Fixed problems related to relative paths in Network Configuration and symbols files. - Save and Load DCF file window now default to folder where current project is stored. - Fixed bug that stopped the network from being switched properly when a project was opened and the network needed to be switched. - Fixed mistake in calculation of initial relative timestamps when using static trace mode. - Updated manual. - Fixed bug that stopped DCF writes to a node from being performed correctly. The mapping number was not always written. - Raw message contents now shown in trace window. - The PDO Configuration window automatically displays the PDOs for the currently selected node in the main window. - Now possible to set heartbeat producer time of all nodes at once in the Network Overview window. - Added projects. - Projects can be started on the command line by specifying an absolute or relative path to the project file. - Improved Network Configuration window to only show nodes that are actually configured. Also allows multiple nodes to be configured at once, along with direct editing of names in the table. - Made appearance of tables consistant, change pointers over editable cells and added help boxes to indicate to the user that a table is editable. - PDO Configuration window now stops attempting to read RPDOs at the first COB ID not read, and stops attempting to read TPDOs at the first COB ID not read. - SDO timeout and network scan/hb mass write delays are now configurable. - Fixed bug that could cause the microsecond portion of timestamps to show incorrectly when there is a high message rate. - Added ability to write a DCF file to the currently selected node. - Added toolbar button and menu item to clear the trace recording without having to stop. - Added PEAK System to vendor names in default.cxl. - Renamed Save Node Configuration to Generate DCF from Node. - When generating a DCF file, the user is no longer prompted to selected a node. Instead the currently selected node in the main window is used. - Added buttons next to the "Scan Network" button in the main window to provide easy access to generating and restoring DCF files. - In transmit messages window, renamed Name column to "Msg Type" to match trace window, and added ability to give messages descriptive names. - Added LSS support. - Added ability to reset the CAN interface. - Added display of error frames and the option to show or hide them. - Switch networks feature now allowed the hardware interface to be changed. - Can now create networks with no CAN interface. - Improved process data window to use graphical controls. - Can now run multiple copies of the application at once. Version 2.07 ------------ - Added option to switch networks on the fly. - Fixed the positioning of some windows when using dual monitors. - Fixed bug that caused networks modified/deleted using NetStat to become corrupted/recreated. Version 2.06 ------------ - Removed MicroCANopen - Increased number of RPDOs and TPDOs displayed in PDO configuration window up to 32 each - Removed the possibility of setting a PDO ID to 0x000 in the PDO configuration window. Version 2.05 ------------ - Fixed bugs that caused the Network configuration window and main window to display incorrectly when using large font mode. Version 2.04 ------------ - Split Hexadecimal read and write type into Hexadecimal Array and Hexadecimal Value types - UNSIGNED8, UNSIGNED16 and UNSIGNED32 data types now default to Hexadecimal Value display - Removed old Embedded Hint. Version 2.03 ------------ - Added scaling factor and offset to process data configuration. Version 2.02 ------------ - Fixed bug which stopped names of nodes and messages being updated in windows when they were changed in the Nodes and Messages section of the Network Description window. - Added a configurable Process Data display. Version 2.01 ------------ - ASCII and Hex input values are now always in little-endian format. - Actual abort code value now displayed in trace and error messages. - When changing a mapping, the mapping number is no longer restored but remains at zero. - Modification to the activation code system. Version 2.00 ------------ - First public release Known Issues ------------ - No known issues